#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
using babylon::Any;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Node configuration pre-processing function, called during the GraphBuilder::finish stage
// It will only be called once, even for multiple Graph instances. Defined as a const interface since it only deals with configuration pre-processing, without setting the state of each specific GraphProcessor instance.
// Default: The default implementation of the virtual function directly forwards origin_option.
virtual int config(const Any& origin_option, Any& option) const noexcept override {
// Retrieve the actual configuration type
const T* conf = origin_option.get<T>();
... // Perform pre-processing, such as loading dictionary models, etc.
// Finally, the pre-processing result can be set as the final configuration. The result can be shared across different GraphProcessor instances.
option = some_shared_static_data;
// Return 0 for success, otherwise, GraphBuilder::finish will fail.
return 0;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Declare a member variable of type const T* a.
// Accepts input set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_depend("a").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, it guarantees a usable pointer to a.
// Declare a member variable ::anyflow::OutputData<T> x.
// Binds to output set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_emit("x").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, the output publisher can be accessed via x.emit().
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Declare a member variable T* a.
// Accepts input set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_depend("a").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, it guarantees a usable pointer to a.
// The difference from ANYFLOW_DEPEND_DATA is that it checks whether other GraphProcessors also depend on the same input.
// If there are other dependencies, it considers a risk of competing modifications, and the framework will refuse to run.
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Declare a ChannelConsumer<T> a member variable.
// Accepts input set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_depend("a").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, data can be consumed step by step using a.consume for read-only input const T*.
// One data set can be consumed by multiple GraphProcessors, with each processor handling the entire data set independently.
// Declare a MutableChannelConsumer<T> b member variable.
// Accepts input set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_depend("b").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, mutable input data T* can be consumed step by step using b.consume.
// The difference from ANYFLOW_DEPEND_CHANNEL is that it checks for unique consumption of mutable data.
// If the dependency source is shared, it considers a risk of competing modifications, and the framework will refuse to run.
// Declare an OutputChannel<T> x member variable.
// Accepts output set by GraphVertexBuilder's named_emit("x").
// During GraphProcessor::process execution, data can be published step by step by opening the channel through x.open().
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Initialization function
// Each specific GraphProcessor instance for the same node will be called once to complete its own state setup.
// Default: No operation.
virtual int setup() noexcept override {
// Retrieve the actual configuration type.
// If the config function is overridden, T will be the result processed by the config function.
const T* conf = option<T>();
... // Perform initialization, such as creating working buffers.
... // The set members can be repeatedly used in the process.
// Output data x will perform a "reset" action after each execution.
// If T::clear or T::reset exists, they will be used for the reset.
// Otherwise, the default reset action is destruction and reconstruction.
// If special reset and reuse behavior is needed, a custom reset function can be registered.
x.set_on_reset([] (T* value) {
... // Custom method to reset and clear a value.
// Return 0 for success, otherwise, GraphBuilder::build will fail.
return 0;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Reset function, called during Graph::reset to clear the state of GraphProcessor to be reusable.
// Default: No operation.
virtual void reset() noexcept override {
// Perform necessary workspace cleanup to ensure readiness for further processing.
::std::vector<size_t> string;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
// Actual processing function to get inputs and calculate the outputs.
virtual int process() noexcept override {
// Configuration information can also be retrieved during processing.
const T* conf = option<T>();
// Before calling process, all inputs are guaranteed to be ready.
// Here, const T* a is guaranteed to be correctly filled and ready for use.
const T& value = *a;
// Dependencies declared with ANYFLOW_DEPEND_MUTABLE_DATA are modifiable.
// However, there must be only one consumer to ensure safety.
T& value = *b;
// Complete the function logic using other custom member variables.
// The simplest copy/move output; after this line, x is published.
*x.emit() = result;
*x.emit() = std::move(result);
// For more fine-grained control, the committer can manage the output lifecycle and publishing timing.
auto committer = x.emit();
// The committer can be used like a T* to call T::func_of_data.
... // Further construction of output data.
} // Upon destruction, x is automatically published.
// Alternatively, the committer's publishing timing can be manually controlled.
auto committer = x.emit();
... // Build output data.
// Manually publish data before destruction.
return 0;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
virtual int process() noexcept override {
// Use new T(args...) to create a T instance and register it for destruction during Graph::reset.
T* instance = create_object<T>(args...);
// If T is a protobuf message, a specialized Arena-based construction will be used.
// Arena memory will be cleaned up during Graph::reset.
M* message = create_object<M>();
// If T is a container from std::pmr::, it will be constructed using std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator.
// The underlying memory resource will be cleaned up during Graph::reset.
auto* vec = create_object<std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string>>();
// For pre-C++17, when the memory resource mechanism is unavailable,
// T can use babylon::SwissAllocator to achieve the same effect as pmr,
// potentially avoiding the virtual function overhead of pmr for a slight performance gain.
auto* vec = create_object<std::vector<int, SwissAllocator<int>>>();
return 0;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
class DemoProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
virtual int process() noexcept override {
// Input data can be forwarded directly without copying; after publishing, x and a refer to the same underlying data.
// Reference publishing will record the const state of the data; if const data is forwarded, downstream processors cannot declare it as MUTABLE, even with unique dependencies.
// Non-const data can be published as a reference, allowing downstream processors to declare it as MUTABLE and access a mutable pointer.
// Besides input data, reference publishing can be applied to any data whose lifetime exceeds the current execution.
// For example, it can be applied to static constants or member variables of GraphProcessor, etc.
return 0;
#include "babylon/anyflow/vertex.h"
using babylon::anyflow::GraphProcessor;
using babylon::anyflow::ChannelPublisher;
class DemoPublishProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
using Iterator = ChannelPublisher<T>::Iterator;
virtual int process() noexcept override {
// To publish data, you first need to open the channel and get the publisher.
// Once the channel is opened, data is considered ready, and downstream processes will be triggered to start processing.
// This allows upstream publishing and downstream consumption to occur simultaneously.
auto publisher = x.open();
// Publish a single data copy or move.
// Batch data publishing.
publisher.publish_n(4, [] (Iterator iter, Iterator) {
// Batch publish data.
*iter++ = v1;
*iter++ = v2;
*iter++ = v3;
*iter++ = v4;
// You can call close to end the publishing. After closing, downstream processes will receive the corresponding signal and end their own processing.
// When the publisher is destructed, close will be called automatically, so you can control the publishing end through the publisher's lifecycle.
return 0;
class DemoConsumeProcessor : public GraphProcessor {
virtual int process() noexcept override {
// Upon execution, the upstream has already completed the open action, so you can start consuming the data step by step.
// Consume 1 piece of data. If no new data is available, it will block and wait.
// When the upstream calls ChannelPublisher<T>::close, consume will return nullptr.
const T* = a.consume();
T* = b.consume();
// Batch consumption of data, it will block until a full batch is available or the upstream ends publishing.
auto range = a.consume(4);
auto range = b.consume(4);
// You can use size to get the actual size of the range and access the data via an index.
for (size_t i = 0; i < range.size(); ++i) {
// Only MUTABLE dependencies can consume MUTABLE data.
const T& value = range[i];
T& value = range[i];
if (range.size() < 4) {
// If the specified batch size cannot be met, it indicates that the upstream has ended, and you can exit the processing process.
return 0;