Small Examples
Some small examples, mainly to show the usage of some small features of San.
RealWorld example app
A fully fledged application including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
Todos (AMD)
An example of a Todos application that includes scenarios common to application development such as lists, in-list operations, form submissions, floating layers, and interactive components.
Todos (ESNext)
The ESNext version of the Todos app above uses webpack + babel, which is more in line with popular application development habits.
Todos (One-way flow)
The one-way streaming version of the Todos app above uses san-store.
Small example of online usage

See the Pen san-bindx by errorrik (@errorrik) on CodePen.

See the Pen san-list by errorrik (@errorrik) on CodePen.

See the Pen san-checkbox by errorrik (@errorrik) on CodePen.

See the Pen san-radio by errorrik (@errorrik) on CodePen.

See the Pen san-slot by errorrik (@errorrik) on CodePen.