# Deploy

# 1. Getting Started

BRCC server relies on JDK8, MySQL and Redis.

# 1.1 Java

Install java1.8+.

You can check the jdk version by:

java -version

Output example:

java version "1.8.0_261"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)

# 1.2 Mysql

  • Version 5.6+

# 1.3 Redis

  • Version 3.2+

# 1.4 Compile

  1. Clone the code
  2. Compile(***maven3.3.9+***): cd the project root directory: sh compile.sh。

# 2. Install

# 2.1 Create Database

  • Create database and user


source doc/database/schema.sql
  • Create database table:


source doc/database/tables.sql
  • Insert data:


source doc/database/data.sql

# 2.2 Install Redis

redis download (opens new window)

# 2.3 Compile

1. cd the project root directory
2. command line: sh compile.sh

# 2.4 Run

In the project root directory, edit the start.sh, specify the environment parameters respectively:
SERVER_PORT=web server port
REDIS_HOST=Redis server host
REDIS_PORT=Redis server port
DB_HOST=database host
DB_PORT=database port
DB_USERNAME=database user name
DB_PASSWORD=database password

Save and excute:
sh start.sh

Console URL: http://ip:port (ip: server ip, port: server port), example: http://localhost:8080/